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New Beginnings

I am Zahra Brown. I am just a 40 year old woman who wants to pursue her dreams in changing lives and creating conversations for growth and unity. If this path of pursuing is through podcasting/broadcasting, then let me jump in the pool and swim.

I am Jamaican-Canadian. I am hard of hearing, queer, have a mild cerebral palsy. I do love to impact people’s lives and advocate for change and equity. I love being creative. As a child, I have always enjoyed being in plays, written scripts that were never released, I have written one play. I also found myself as a teen, creating videos - from lyric- videos, to lip-syncing, talking politically about subjects that matters to me.

I have gotten enough education to get to where I am. Realizing that education does not always get you the jobs you wanted and that it can be very complicated the more I step away from working by returning to school earning another degree. I realized that I needed to take time off and figure out what I wanted to do and do it out of passion. I have gained my independence from solo-travelling. Travelling gives me a chance to take a break from my hometown Toronto and explore. Although travelling is expensive, I learned about timeshare, budgeting, and the benefit of falling in love with myself even more.

I am doing my podcast because I feel that this is my calling and I think people need to listen, watch what I have to say and offer to the world. I want to let people know that they're not alone and it takes somebody to be brave and take risk to get to where they want to be. I'm taking the risk to do my pod

cast show.

If you’re interested in being a guest on my show. I recently, released the first episode of my show on Apple Podcasts, Anchor and Spotify. You can check a clip of my pinned post of the first episode on my Instagram page.


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